
Fantasy Font – Holiday (Commercial Rights)


A font with more than 60 characters created to meet your special festive needs. Celebrate the fantasy way!

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Celebrate the Fantasy way


Celebrate the magic of holiday and fantasy with our font! No other time shows the power of imagination and fantasy more than the winter holidays. To show our appreciation, we created this special font. Whether you are an author of books, games, applications, artworks, videos, films, websites or simply a lover of holidays and the fantasy genre, this font will surely appeal to you.


Fantasy Holiday


Dwarven Santa




Fantasy Font – Holiday was successfully funded on Kickstarter with the help of 11 backers. Thank you very much!


Dwarven Font


The font was created with multiple fantasy and holiday tropes in mind. It is refined with elegant features, representing a combination of the festive spirit and an otherworldly fantasy feeling.




Celebrate with us


Possible usage


Enhance your products with our font!


Fantasy Tale


Fantasy Box


Fantasy Ornament


Merry Christmas


Fantasy Hat


How to use


Our font is in an easy to use .TTF file (True Type Font). All major operating systems, text editor programs, and browsers support it. You just have to run the file on Windows 10 and your operating system will take care of the installation.


TTF File


See how to install .TTF files on Windows, macOS and Linux:

Read more about .TTF files here: 


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